Mentoring in Field Research & Scientific Writing

$60/40-minute live, online meeting 

Inquire about availability for this class by emailing

Note: Required pre-requisite: Ornithologist in Training: Avian Research and Scientific Writing

During this class, students will work one-on-one with an experienced field ecologist to design, conduct, and communicate a unique field biology research project. Students might investigate patterns in bird species richness, insect foraging behavior, plant cover, and more. The list of possibilities is only limited by your curiosity and interests. 

Students may choose focus on communicating their results through a professional poster, oral presentation, and/or scientific paper. After the initial meeting and discussion about research interests and goals, the instructor will design a unique syllabus for each student, including the proposed class meeting sequence and schedule. Any syllabus or schedule modifications will be approved by both the instructor and the student/parent before implementation.

During each meeting, the instructor will collaborate with the student on the planned meeting content and then will identify homework assignments to be completed before the next meeting. A meeting summary with clearly communicated homework expectations and due dates will be provided to both the student and parent after each meeting. In addition to the 40-minute meeting, the class price also includes individual written feedback on homework assignments before the next meeting, as well as question support.

Meeting sequence example. 

Actual topics and schedules vary with each student project

Meeting 1: Design Your Research Project:  

During this meeting students will:

Homework: Write methods section and begin background literature research for project

Meeting 2: Firm up Research Project Methods:

During this meeting students will:

Homework: Write the introduction section and being gathering data

Meeting 3: Data Collection Check-in

During this meeting students will:

Homework: Finish collecting data and begin data analysis

Meeting 4: Understand and Display Your Data

During this meeting students will:

Homework: Finish analysis and write the results section 

Meeting 5: Interpret Your Data

During this meeting students will:

Homework: Write the discussion section and revise and submit the entire scientific paper 

Meeting 6: Scientific Paper Feedback

During this meeting students will:

Homework: Submit final scientific paper for final round of feedback