How long will my student spend on the class

Each course is designed with the following time commitments in mind:

Can students skip some of the course materials

Sure! You and your student are best equipped to determine which course components will be most beneficial. Feel free to select the specific components you'd like your student to complete. Just remember to inform the instructor of any modifications to the course expectations. The instructor will offer support for the chosen materials and follow-up with your student on any missing assignments. If you decide to skip certain components, we recommend opting for the ungraded option since each of the course materials (except office hours) contributes to the final grade. Even if you don't request a final grade for your student, they'll still receive personalized feedback from the instructor for materials submitted on time, just like those requesting a final grade.

Do students receive grades? 

Course grades are optional for classes in the Ornithologist in Training Curriculum Series. Grades are not offered in Teen Bird Club.  A course syllabus describing the grade composition will be provided to students one week before class begins. Students who wish to receive a grade should notify the instructor by the start of week 2.  The following grading scale is used to assign a letter grade to the final course score:

A: 93-100%

A-: 90-92%

B+: 87-89%

B: 83-86%

B-: 80-82%

C+: 77-79%

C: 73-76%

C-: 70-72%

D+: 67-69%

D: 63-66%

D-: 60-62%

F: Below 60%

What are office hours like in the Ornithologist in Training Series? 

Each week, students may choose to participate in an optional, live, 55-minute office hour for support from the instructor and interaction with other students taking courses in the Ornithologist in Training Course Series. During this time, students may ask the instructor questions, work on course materials independently, or work on course materials with other students in small groups. The office hour begins with a brief greeting and goal-setting session to help students identify their goals for the office hour session and ends with a brief opportunity to share learning insights and course material progress. During the class time students will self-select the learning environment that best suits them by choosing among the following supervised break-out room options: 1) a quiet, individual-work study room, 2) a group study room to work together with other students completing the same course materials, or 3) an instructor questions room for one-on-one work with the instructor.  

My student is younger/older than the listed age range for the class. Can I enroll them?

In some situations, yes. You know your student's maturity and academic level best. You are permitted to enroll a student who is only a year outside of the intended age range if you think the class material will be a good fit for them. If you would like to enroll a student who is more than one year outside of the intended age range, you should consult the instructor first by emailing info@fieldbiologyclass.com.  

Are your classes good for neurodivergent students?

Field Biology Class courses are geared toward learners of all types. 

Assignment and course materials accommodations:

View existing course tools/features to support students with diverse learning needs.

Are your classes secular or non-secular?

All Field Biology Class courses are taught from a secular perspective. Evolution is a key theme that runs throughout the content of many of the classes. Classrooms are inclusive of students with a variety of religious beliefs, and student's personal beliefs are respected; however, religion and religious beliefs are not taught in the content of any of the classes.  

What are your policies regarding plagiarism the use of artificial intelligence in academic work?

Courses offered by Field Biology Class LLC emphasize the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, scientific inquiry, and effective communication skills. Writing up field biology research involves summarizing, evaluating, and expanding upon the research of other scientists. To foster these skills and maintain the highest standards of academic integrity we have implemented an Academic Integrity Policy which outlines expectations for original work, the ethical use of tools (including generative AI), and appropriate source attribution.

Please read the full Academic Integrity Policy for more information.  

What is your refund policy?

Field Biology Class does not offer refunds unless we are forced to cancel the class. We will only cancel or reschedule online courses due to unforeseen circumstances or insufficient enrollment. Teen Bird Club is the only class with a minimum enrollment, but we are typically able to meet this minimum. A refund will be issued for courses canceled by Field Biology Class. If you are unable to take the class(es) you enrolled in, you may find another student to pay you to take your spot. Field Biology Class will not be involved in any monetary transactions of this type. You must provide Field Biology Class LLC with the contact information of the person who has taken your place no later than the end of the first week of class so that they can be set up properly in the online classroom.